We are all part of the solution!
For StrongPoint, sustainability is how the company does business in a responsible way that helps both create value for its people, shareholders and society, as well as empower and sustain the world for generations to come. Read more in StrongPoint’s latest Sustainability Report which is a part of our annual report as of 2023.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
StrongPoint supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We see our business operations as intertwined with our commitment to society, and have maintained our responsibility to empower retailers by promoting a sustainable development.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs) was established by the United Nations in 2015 as a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity and is a commitment to achieve sustainable development globally. From the 17 SDGs, 8 have been identified that best correspond with StrongPoint’s business. The company’s choice of SDGs is based on an assessment of the underlying targets for each SDG and their link to StrongPoint’s identified material topics.

The key elements of our sustainability work
These are the key areas which StrongPoint focus on.
1. Business ethics and integrity
2. Working environment
3. Climate and environment
4. Compliance, Policies and Reports (Governance)
5. Privacy and information security (GDPR)
1. Business ethics and integrity
We focus on responsible business practices across all of our markets and work to continually improve our approach. Guided by international standards and our operational experience, we work systematically to address risks and to maximise the positive impact of our business whether it be socially, environmentally, or economically.
StrongPoint’s commitment to integrity and transparency is clearly stated our Code of Conduct, which is owned and approved by the Board, and signed and accepted by all employees. [LINK]
- Value creation at StrongPoint must be achieved in compliance with the Group’s Code of Conduct and applicable legislation.
- The Group’s overarching goal is to develop a corporate culture characterised by good judgment and the ability to deal with difficult situations. StrongPoint has zero tolerance for corruption, price-fixing agreements, market sharing or other practices that hamper free competition.
- StrongPoint requires its suppliers to have zero tolerance for corruption. Suppliers are monitored on the basis of a risk assessment.
- As part of the Group’s due diligence procedures in connection with acquisitions and major investments, StrongPoint assesses the risk of becoming involved in breaches of anti-corruption and competition law.
- Main principles we follow:
StrongPoint tolerates neither active (attempts to bribe others) nor passive corruption (allowing oneself to be bribed). - Any demands for ‘facilitation payments’, i.e. payment of small amounts to civil servants, for example, in order to have routine services carried out, must be rejected firmly and clearly.
- Gifts must be made openly. They must not be made in the form of cash, must have a clear, legitimate basis in local business relationships and must have a minimal cash value.
- Expenses relating to travel, meals and events paid for customers or other persons must be clearly justified by business considerations, must be reasonable and well documented and must be paid openly.
- StrongPoint does not tolerate acts of corruption carried out by its agents or representatives. Agents and other representatives acting on behalf of StrongPoint must comply with the same anti-corruption standards as StrongPoint.
- StrongPoint companies must not make financial contributions to political campaigns or the like unless specifically authorised to do so by StrongPoint ASA.
2. Working environment
Human rights
- At StrongPoint, we have a fundamental respect for the value of human life and dignity and want to foster a culture of respect and inclusion. We want to be a good place to work for our employees and strive to develop talent, teamwork, and diversity.
- We respect universal human rights and will carry out our business with due diligence to avoid becoming involved in violations of human rights and address negative impacts. StrongPoint defines human rights as the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights1 (1948), the two international covenants on civil and political rights (1966) and economic, social and cultural rights (1966) and the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).
- Human rights due diligence involves conducting risk assessments to identify and assess potential adverse (negative) human rights impacts associated with our operations, our supply chains and other business relationships, and to cease, prevent or mitigate such impact. If we identify that we have caused or contributed to negative impacts, we will implement relevant actions to provide remediation, i.e., stop or reverse the adverse impacts.
- Through StrongPoint’s Annual Report we will report on the activities conducted to identify and address actual or potential adverse impacts.
- Freedom of thought, opinion and expression
- We value open, fact-based, honest and respectful communication within our own organisation as well as in our dialogue with external stakeholders. We will strive to achieve a working environment where employees feel comfortable in expressing their opinion without fear of retaliation.
- The right of life
- We will do our utmost to protect the health and safety of employees, consumers, customers and others linked to our business. All our companies shall commit to the vision of zero harm to people, and work purposefully to create safe, healthy and attractive workplaces.
The rights of liberty, security and privacy
- We want to show due respect for the privacy of employees, customers and other individuals, and our companies shall adopt a restrictive practice towards monitoring or intrusion of employees’ privacy. If a company sees the need to monitor certain operations, this shall only take place as permitted by legal requirements.
- Consultation and employee involvement
- We see good internal communication and cooperation between management and employees as crucial for the company’s ability to succeed and for the well-being of employees.
Health, safety and people security
- StrongPoint’s commitment to raising standards for our employees and across our supply chains means putting health, safety and security at the top of our agenda.
- Overall ambition:
- The safety and wellbeing of StrongPoint employees, customers and suppliers is our priority. We want everyone to go home safely.
- We focus on identifying, eliminating and managing work-related hazards and risks and aim to be among the leaders in our industry within this area. Our ambition is that health, safety and well-being are fully embedded in our business.
- Our focus going forward:
- zero fatalities and zero major accidents
- Increasing the health and safety competence of all employees, including leaders
- Improving the health and safety reporting with focus on near misses and observations
- Improving the health and safety management of suppliers
- Employee eNPS score in the top quartile of comparable industries
Diversity and inclusiveness
- StrongPoint is an equal opportunity employer, and diversity and inclusion are imperative to the way StrongPoint does business.
- StrongPoint follows EU Article 141 EC, the EU Directive on Equal Pay for Men and Women, the EU Pregnant Workers Directive, the EU Parental Leave Directive, the EU Directive on Equal Treatment of Men and Women in Employment, the EU Recast Directive (76/207).
- Discrimination is against StrongPoint’s Code of Conduct, and the company has a zero tolerance for discrimination whether this is based on race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, language, religion, employee representation, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or any other basis prohibited by law. The company does not tolerate harassment or degrading treatments in any form by or towards employees.
Recruitment policy
- Our Purpose and Values is a framework that act as a guide for all behaviour and decisionmaking in StrongPoint, and thus be the foundation of the corporate culture and our recruitment process.
- The recruitment process in StrongPoint shall be transparent, non-discriminatory and in alignment with the Codes of Conduct. Recruitment standards shall support StrongPoint’s reputation as an attractive employer.
- The selection process of the job candidates shall be in accordance with local laws and shall aim to secure diversity. Candidates shall be selected based on experience and competencies, and a match with our StrongPoint values.
- The exit process used by the BU’s shall be in line with relevant laws, be nondiscriminatory and in alignment with the Code of Conduct. Feedback from leavers should be recorded, aggregated and analysed.