StrongPoint / Latest news Latest news Read all the latest articles from and about StrongPoint. BLOG Pick & Collect – manage more online orders with less staff BLOG Click & Collect – increase sales by decreasing deliveries NEWS StrongPoint enters a reseller agreement in Southeast Asia BLOG AI and facial recognition technology for Click & Collect pickups BLOG Facial recognition and AI for selling tobacco through self-checkouts NEWS Join Baltic Retail Forum 2019 in Riga NEWS StrongPoint hires SVP People & Organisation Development NEWS StrongPoint and HARTING Systems join forces in developing checkout efficiency solutions NEWS The present and future of retail technologies at EuroCIS 2019 BLOG How to run your store efficiently NEWS First self-scanning system introduced by StrongPoint in Lithuania at Maxima NEWS Many years a customer, Fidelitas continues working with StrongPoint NEWS Self-checkouts are keeping the pace BLOG Let your promoter seal the deal NEWS StrongPoint’s solutions at It’s All Retail in Milan NEWS StrongPoint took part at the NRF exhibition in New York NEWS Guide – 3 key strategic directions for a successful online grocery business BLOG Improving hygiene standards with cash management NEWS First Click & Collect lockers in Lithuania at online retailer Barbora NEWS Hilde Horn Gilen to be new CFO of StrongPoint ASA NEWS Pick-by-light significantly speeds up order picking NEWS StrongPoint ASA has again been chosen as supplier to one of the leading CIT-companies in Europe NEWS Third quarter 2018 result NEWS First Danish Retail chain to choose StrongPoint Cub E-commerce Solution BLOG The problem with picking; fulfilling orders in an online world NEWS StrongPoint’s Self-Checkouts are favoured by both retailers and customers NEWS Norway’s first automated pickup station for groceries at Meny, Strømmen Shopping Center Page 10 of 16« First«...89101112...»Last »