StrongPoint / Latest news Latest news Read all the latest articles from and about StrongPoint. BLOG Video – Self Checkout BLOG Your IT-investments pay off in more ways than you know BLOG Video – CashGuard customers tell their stories NEWS StrongPoint brings cash management to UK forecourts BLOG This is why you must update your IT park today BLOG Video – Cash Management BLOG Afraid of falling behind with digitisation? BLOG Video – Click and Collect NEWS Meet us at the Expopharm fair in Dusseldorf! BLOG Shopping trends for the future BLOG Time for new equipment? This is how you implement it in the business BLOG Why you must invest in the store of the future BLOG You are the reason why your store is not going well BLOG How efficient is cash handling in your store? BLOG Checklist: How to ensure that your staff has enough customer focus NEWS StrongPoint’s cash management enters Australia BLOG 3 retail trends you must be aware of as a CEO BLOG Video – Vensafe NEWS Second quarter 2017 result BLOG Time for new equipment? This is how you implement it in the business NEWS LECLERC EXHIBITION: Reveals opportunities for StrongPoint BLOG Why you must invest in the store of the future NEWS StrongPoint received Innovation of the Year 2016 Award by Zebra Technologies NEWS Baltic Retail Forum expands to Riga NEWS StrongPoint at ConneXion 2017 BLOG You are the reason why your store is not going well BLOG Take a look at the cashier’s new role Page 13 of 16« First«...1112131415...»Last »