StrongPoint / Latest news Latest news Read all the latest articles from and about StrongPoint. BLOG Save money by turning off the fridges BLOG Five tips for a better store design BLOG From dumb shelf labels to flashy experience BLOG Transforming the store for the peak season BLOG How to get shorter lines in your store BLOG Retail apps in the supermarket BLOG The EU unveils the new €50 banknote BLOG Automated cash handling speeds up the back office BLOG A loyal customer is not equivalent to a satisfied customer BLOG The history of money BLOG New consumer behaviours in the omnichannel age BLOG Thinking Big in small retailing – Part 2 BLOG Improve customer service through your leadership BLOG Thinking big in small retailing – Part 1 BLOG Store theft: while some slumber others take measures BLOG Why €2 and 20 cents take up so much of retailers time BLOG Is my store large enough for cash management? BLOG Carl sees endless possibilities with retail technology BLOG How to survive as a retail manager BLOG Peaches and lettuce drive your profit BLOG Achieve profitability by offering something unique BLOG Kęstuti’s trendspotting at Euro-CIS BLOG My two break-ins and six thefts BLOG Ten tips for retail loss prevention BLOG New product positioning technology is good for both retailers and the customers BLOG Cash handling done right saves both time and money BLOG Checkout the future Page 15 of 16« First«...1213141516»