StrongPoint / Latest news Latest news Read all the latest articles from and about StrongPoint. NEWS Second quarter and first half 2023 financial results BLOG StrongPoint at The Grocer Gold Awards NEWS StrongPoint enters Finland with the acquisition of Brand ID Hamari Group Oy BLOG Is it possible to switch self-checkout supplier without losing your previous investment? STRONGPOINT IN THE MEDIA Starting this summer, IKEA will deliver faster NEWS StrongPoint ASA and Aste Finland Announce a Very Cool Partnership STRONGPOINT IN THE MEDIA Alphamega launches innovative Click & Collect service (with StrongPoint grocery lockers) NEWS StrongPoint awarded again LS Retail Platinum Partner BLOG Paperless is effortless, why retail needs to upgrade to electronic shelf labels NEWS Pricer & StrongPoint launch electronic shelf labels in 4 different colours NEWS New Chief Financial Officer appointed NEWS First quarter 2023 financial results STRONGPOINT IN THE MEDIA ColliCare opens a new AutoStore facility (implemented by StrongPoint): Capacity for 40,000 boxes NEWS ICA Malmborgsgruppen chooses StrongPoint as supplier of electronic shelf edge labels from Pricer NEWS StrongPoint publishes the 2022 annual and sustainablity report NEWS Framework Agreement with Baltics grocery retailer Rimi for Pricer Electronic Shelf Labels from StrongPoint NEWS StrongPoint awarded contract worth up to 3 MGBP with top-tier UK grocery retailer BLOG Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS): Revolutionizing storage and the picking of online orders NEWS Strategy Update Session, Fourth Quarter and Full Year Financial Results 2022 NEWS A unique innovation in Estonia: WeekendShoes opens a smart store with a StrongPoint parcel locker STRONGPOINT IN THE MEDIA Easycoop grocery lockers also arrive in Bologna, Modena and Ferrara NEWS StrongPoint awarded 1.1 MGBP contract with top-tier UK grocery retailer NEWS Happy Holidays from StrongPoint STRONGPOINT IN THE MEDIA What can UK grocery retailers learn from Scandinavia? NEWS StrongPoint receives order for 250 CashGuard units from Bullion IT NEWS StrongPoint to present at ABG Sundal Collier investor days NEWS StrongPoint receives order from US partner for 20 grocery lockers for a leading US grocery retailer Page 3 of 16«12345...10...»Last »
STRONGPOINT IN THE MEDIA Alphamega launches innovative Click & Collect service (with StrongPoint grocery lockers)
STRONGPOINT IN THE MEDIA ColliCare opens a new AutoStore facility (implemented by StrongPoint): Capacity for 40,000 boxes
NEWS ICA Malmborgsgruppen chooses StrongPoint as supplier of electronic shelf edge labels from Pricer
NEWS Framework Agreement with Baltics grocery retailer Rimi for Pricer Electronic Shelf Labels from StrongPoint
BLOG Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS): Revolutionizing storage and the picking of online orders
NEWS A unique innovation in Estonia: WeekendShoes opens a smart store with a StrongPoint parcel locker
NEWS StrongPoint receives order from US partner for 20 grocery lockers for a leading US grocery retailer