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Dina kommunikationsverktyg i butik måste vara hållbara, välgjorda och helt integrerade för att bättre nå ditt företags mål. VoCoVo-lösningen ger omedelbar kristallklar kommunikation till teamen i butiken.

Öka försäljningen

Kunder som använder vårt röstkommunikationssystem upplever en snabb avkastning på investeringen tack vare förbättrad kommunikation. En stor brittisk stormarknadskedja som använder VoCoVo rapporterade besparingar på 2,5 miljoner pund genom att minska det genomsnittliga årliga gångavståndet per anställd med 142 km och minska gångtiden med 6,2 %.

Förbättra kundupplevelsen

Ge medarbetarna möjlighet att hjälpa kunder snabbt och
effektivt. Röstkommunikationssystemet möjliggör omedelbart svar på förfrågningar via telefon, i kassan, kundtjänst eller utlämningsområdet, och lagerstatus kan kontrolleras i farten.

Minska svinn och kostnader

Optimera dina personalkostnader samtidigt som du minskar stölder och köer vid kassorna.

Ökad trygghet för dina anställda

54% av medarbetare som börjat använda röstkommunikationssystemet VoCoVo har rapporterat att de känner sig tryggare än tidigare.

Immediate response to customer enquiries

VoCoVo is a store, warehouse and head office communications solution connecting all of your teams and stores wherever they may be. It helps store staff with such tasks as managing stock levels, monitoring freezer temperatures, communicating to the colleagues on the shop floor and answering customer enquiries. This results in improved customer service, higher store productivity and increased sales.

Customers often need help finding products or making a decision. But if they can’t get that help quickly, there’s a good chance they’ll leave without buying. With VoCoVo, staff can respond via the call button. Alternatively, they can let the customer know that they are on their way. Customer service buttons can be placed around stores, within fitting rooms, at delivery points, or at click and collect desks.

Variety of VoCoVo tools allow communication to take place within seconds. Staff can communicate via headphones, customers can use call points to ask staff a question and staff paging systems allow communication to happen at one press of a button. The lightweight, robust headsets instantly connect teams across different aisles, floors, and even buildings. The staff is no longer tied to an office and don’t need to juggle multiple devices such as walkie talkies and phones. The headphones allow to put the customer on hold or transfer the call to specialist colleagues or make outgoing calls directly from the shop floor.

The Business Intelligence Portal

VoCoVo communication systems integrate seamlessly with your existing telephony system. The integration with other VoCoVo products, such as CallPoints and KeyPads, allows staff to hear and respond to messages such as ‘customer assistance required in click and collect’ or ‘pricing enquiry at checkout six’.

The Business Intelligence Portal collects data from your VoCoVo systems and generates reports based on key metrics, allowing you to identify improvements within stores that will ultimately deliver the best ROI. Now, not only can you offer your staff a more efficient way to find one another, but you can optimise staffing levels and make customer service a measure of store performance using VoCoVo’s unique Business Intelligence Portal.

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