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AutoStore Warehouse Automation

As an AutoStore partner, StrongPoint offers the fastest goods-to-person warehouse automation solution available. With 40 years of experience in the retail industry (particularly grocery retail) and a leading automation team, we design optimal automation solutions for both retailers and warehouse operators. By combining automation with StrongPoint’s best-in-class manual order picking and last-mile solutions, warehousing and e-commerce can be executed with extraordinary efficiency.

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Automation with a frozen zone

StrongPoint has installed the world’s first AutoStore solution with an automated frozen zone. This revolutionary solution saves hugely on energy and space, picks the items at incredible speed, and makes the working environment much better for staff.

Save space

The AutoStore solution has the highest storage density of any automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS), which means you can store up to 4x as many items with the same amount of space, when comparing to a traditional warehouse.

Background in
grocery industry 

StrongPoint’s background in grocery retail means we are used to complex demands, handling of items in any temperate and smooth integrations with last mile solutions.  


Automated picking from AutoStore is the fastest goods-to-man automation solution per square foot. Which means you can store and deliver more orders, in less time!

The leading AutoStore partner for grocery

StrongPoint is the only AutoStore partner with a grocery focus, uniquely positioned to help grocery retailers and wholesalers unlock their full potential. With deep expertise in optimizing warehouse layouts, managing multiple temperature zones, integrating seamless last-mile solutions, and combining automation with manual picking for specific items, StrongPoint ensures operational speed and efficiency across the entire process.

Seamless Last Mile Integration

StrongPoint offers the most comprehensive last-mile solution portfolio, covering all forms of click & collect and home delivery. Whether you need to deliver products directly from the warehouse to the customer, or via a store, we can seamlessly integrate the most efficient solutions available.

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Keep energy costs low

The AutoStore robots require extremely little energy. In fact, 10 robots use the same amount of energy as just 1 vacuum cleaner (100W). The smart innovations avoiding unnecessary drains on energy consumption, such as light and heating, are the essential factors. When implementing a multi-temperature solution with a frozen zone, you save approximately 30% of the energy costs compared to having a separate freezer.

Consultancy for designing the entire storage plan and operation

Benefit from our experience! We can help you design the layout of your storage facility and determine the optimal placement and execution of each part of the process for maximum efficiency. What truly sets us apart is our ability to consider the entire process from start to finish.

Smooth system integration

The Autostore warehouse automation solution has been connected to hundreds of different warehouse management systems (WMS) around the world with ready-made APIs. StrongPoint also has our own WMS ready to give you maximum efficiency and inventory control, with unique features for those looking to automate the handling of frozen goods.

StrongPoint installed the
world’s first AutoStore™ Multi-Temperature Solution™ with a frozen zone!

StrongPoint was chosen to design and install the world’s first AutoStore solution purpose built for groceries with three temperature zones: ambient, chilled, and frozen. The solution is now fully operational for our customer Haugaland Storhusholdning in Norway, and StrongPoint was awarded both the best sustainable retail innovation award together with our partner MTG Technologies, and the award as the the overall winner at RTIH Innovation Awards in London. There are many benefits to this technological breakthrough, including higher efficiency, reduced energy consumption and a better working environment.

How It Works

Grocery retailers and wholesalers have traditionally relied on manual picking in large freezers for frozen items, even when other parts of the storage and retrieval process were automated. Now, with AutoStore, you can automate the handling of products across all three temperature zones, enabling frozen items to be picked at the same port as chilled goods, with robots delivering the products directly to the worker.

Boosting efficiency

By incorporating more items into the AutoStore grid, you can significantly enhance picking efficiency. Everything is conveniently picked at a single location, streamlining the process.

Easier and safer for staff

Staff no longer need to enter freezing rooms or wear extensive protective gear, making the job both easier and safer.

Substantial energy savings

Automating the picking of frozen items within the AutoStore grid can reduce energy consumption by approximately 30-40%, as compared to manual picking.

Want to know more?

StrongPoint offers free workshops to help plan and design a complete automation set-up, integrated with our world-class last mile solutions. Contact us with the contact form at the bottom of the page to request it.

Two efficiency-obsessed Norwegian companies

StrongPoint and AutoStore are both headquartered in Norway and have an unwavering focus to improve efficiency for our customers.

StrongPoint’s Order Fulfilment Platform – tailor-made software for retail automation

StrongPoint’s Warehouse Automation solutions are enhanced by the StrongPoint Order Fulfillment Platform, a comprehensive software powered by ModernLogic. Fully scalable, this platform can function as a WCS, WES, and WMS, offering a robust set of features specifically designed for the unique demands of e-commerce and retail automation. By leveraging these capabilities, retailers can streamline operations, secure data, boost efficiency, and stay competitive in the fast-evolving retail landscape.

Key features include:

– WCS, WES and WMS functionality
– API interface to any system
– One single platform using proven industry specific processes for the warehouse 
– Virtual Commissioning tools
– Cloud based hosting
– Business Intelligence tools with simple dashboards for KPI tracking
– Simple intuitive and web-browser based interfaces showing processes and workflow.
– Lifetime support – 24/7 support 

The only software platform ready to go, that controls a multi-temperature AutoStore, in store picking, back of store picking and all other automation.

The parts that make it happen

These parts are essential to create the productive and hyper-efficient warehouse automation soltution from AutoStore and StrongPoint. Here is a closer look at the specific components. 

The grid

The aluminum grid is the backbone of the system, providing the structure for bin placement and the rails that guide the robots as they retrieve the correct bins with the right products. The grid’s size and shape are limited only by the dimensions of your warehouse and can expand in any direction as needed.

The bins

The bins are where your products are stored. Built from durable materials, these bins are designed for longevity, with gentle robot handling allowing them to last remarkably long. Each bin is labeled with a unique identifier that is stored in a database and printed on the bin’s label. Bins come in different heights and materials, and they can even be divided into compartments, allowing you to store multiple products in the same bin.

The robots

The robots are the workforce of the system, swiftly navigating the grid to retrieve the products you need. Operating around the clock, they recharge automatically through energy recovery when braking or lowering a bin, and they manage full charges on their own to maintain battery health. Some robots have been working efficiently for over 15 years. Constant self-diagnostics ensure that any minor issue is reported immediately. If a robot needs maintenance, it automatically heads to the service mezzanine and is seamlessly replaced by another.

The workstations

The workstations are where warehouse workers receive or insert products to/from the warehouse automation solution. Whether it’s a simple conveyor port, carousel port, swing port, or modular workstation, these stations are designed for ease of use, ergonomic comfort, and maximum safety. Smart coverings and sensors protect both staff and products, with movement and operations refined through millions of tests conducted at AutoStore Labs and real-world installations.

The controller

The controller is the brain of the AutoStore automation solution, managing traffic, scheduling tasks, logging robot and bin locations, and providing access control for service personnel. Most importantly, it directs robot movement and constantly calculates the most efficient way to operate, ensuring smooth and optimized processes.

The manual picking

Even in an automated warehouse, some products—such as oversized items or certain fruits and vegetables—require manual picking, often representing a significant portion of an online order. StrongPoint’s Order Picking solution is specifically designed to optimize this part of the process, enhancing the efficiency of manual picking to complement your automation.

Integration with last mile and picking non-automated items

StrongPoint’s automation offer can help boost the overall efficiency of an e-grocery solution beyond automation, and it can be tailored for non-food e-commerce too.  

Some grocery SKUs, such as fast-moving or bulky items, aren’t always well-suited for automation and are better picked manually.

But speed is still essential to get those orders out of the warehouse quickly. Perishable goods require highly efficient last-mile integration, whether it’s for home delivery or click & collect. Many customers have come to demand fast fulfillment for several other e-commerce products as well, like home goods, clothing, and books, and we’ve got you covered.

With StrongPoint, you gain access to the world’s most efficient manual order-picking solutions, seamlessly integrated with a variety of last-mile options—from grocery lockers to quick-commerce pickup and home delivery. We handle a wide range of products and fulfillment types.

StrongPoint is your one-stop-shop for all e-grocery needs, from manual to automated processes and last-mile solutions.

Integrations, support and analytics

At this point you might be wondering how this solution connects to your existing solutions and IT infrastructure. After all, the systems need to speak together. Fortunately, we have made that as easy as possible.

Standard APIs for integration

The solution software can be integrated to your existing e-commerce, ERP or similar system. That is done through ready-made API’s provided by StrongPoint. We will
further assist with anything you need for the smoothest operation possible.

Customer support

At the IT department, you don’t want to spend unnecessary time troubleshooting in the rare cases that something doesn’t work properly. With StrongPoint, you can get around the clock customer support to save you time and unnecessary headache.

Dashboard and analytics

Once the solutions is installed you naturally want to keep track of it as well. StrongPoint’s software runs on a cloud-based solution and the back-office is accessed through a web interface. Here you will be able to see the efficiency, number of orders processed and more.

Contact us today

Interested in our solutions? We’d be happy to connect! Reach out using the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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